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Tax Topic 15 - Deducting Business ExpensesIn this tax topic you will learn how deduct common business expenses and what is and is not deductible. In this tax lesson you'll also become aware of the specific expenses that are deductible. Business expenses are the costs of carrying on a business and they are normally deductible as long as the business is operated to make a profit. Here, you will learn what you can deduct, and how much to deduct when there are limits and when you can deduct the business expenses. In addition, you will encounter information on not-for-profit activities and the limitations imposed on them. Tax School Homepage Student Instructions: Print this page, work on the questions and then submit test by mailing the answer sheet or by completing quiz online. Instructions to submit quiz online successfully: Step-by-Step check list Answer Sheet Quiz Online Most forms are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
Please use IRS Publication 535, and Form 1040 Instructions (Form 1040 instructions only up to page 98) to complete this tax topic. Please note: Form 1040 Instructions (Form 1040 instructions only up to page 98) will be used for the rest of the topics in the initial tax preparer certification course. You will be responsible to answer questions from the Form 1040 instructions booklet (up to page 98) on every topic so read it carefully.
*Xela was forced to acquire a business license as she had received a penalty in 2013 for not having one. In addition, Xela pays a mortgage and had the following in 2013:
Xela was not married and did not have any dependents in 2013. Get all basic information from the following W2, including income information.
1. Look at the Form 1040 you prepared for Xela Holling. What is the amount on Form 1040, Line 12?
2. Look at the Form 1040 you prepared for Xela Holling. What is the amount on Form 1040, Line 21?
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