Once you complete the Filing a Tax Return Course, you will have satisfied the 20 hour requirements. This tax Course allows you 3 hours of continuing education which satisfies the required 3 hours Updates part of the 20 hour tax course. Tax School Home Page Student Instructions: Follow the following 4 steps:
Important: If you fail a topic you can try again until you pass. You can try again as many times as you need in order to pass. Every time you try the questions will be different. Most forms are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
Review Questions |
Question | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 of 25 |
The tax rate of ________ affects singles whose
income exceeds $413,200 ($464,850 for married taxpayers filing a
joint return), up from $406,750 and $457,600, respectively.
| ___
feedback | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 of 25 |
The Affordable Care Act contains provisions
for health insurance coverage and financial assistance options
for individuals and families. This new law is administered by
the Internal Revenue Service and is included in the tax code.
The provisions require
| ___
3 of 25 |
The Small Business Health Care Tax Credit is a
tax incentive offered to employers to help fill the health care coverage
gap. The Small Business Health Care Tax credit is
| ___
4 of 25 |
Starting in 2014, individuals and families
who get their health insurance coverage through the Health
Insurance Marketplace may be eligible for the Premium Tax
Credit. In general, you may be eligible for the Premium Tax
A. If you buy health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace. B. If you are ineligible for coverage through an employer or government plan and are within the income limits. C. Both A and B above. D. If your income is 200 percent below the poverty line to qualify. | ___ |
5 of 25 |
The limitation for itemized deductions to be
claimed on tax year 2015 returns of individuals begins with
incomes of
| ___
6 of 25 |
The limitation for itemized deductions to be
claimed on tax year 2015 returns of married filing jointly
individuals begins with incomes of
| ___
7 of 25 |
The individual shared responsibility
provision requires you and each member of your family to
| ___
8 of 25 |
The exemption is subject to a phase-out that
begins with adjusted gross incomes of
| ___
9 of 25 |
Starting January 1, 2015, if you
rollover one IRA to another IRA, you are done, you cannot
rollover another IRA for another 12 months without incurring the
early withdrawal penalties. This means that whatever IRAs you
were not able to rollover
| ___
10 of 25 |
In order to get advance payments
of your premium tax credit, you must purchase your minimum
essential health coverage through the Health Insurance
Marketplace, better known simply as the Marketplace. Part of the
Affordable Care Act is
| ___
11 of 25 |
The married filing jointly Alternative Minimum
Tax exemption amount for tax year 2015 is ______ for married
couples filing jointly.
| ___
12 of 25 |
The maximum Earned Income Credit amount is
________ for taxpayers filing jointly who have 3 or more
qualifying children,
| ___
13 of 25 |
Estates of decedents who die during 2015 have a
basic exclusion amount of
| ___
14 of 25 |
The annual dollar limit on employee contributions
to employer-sponsored healthcare flexible spending arrangements
| ___
15 of 25 |
The small employer health insurance credit
provides that the maximum credit is phased out based on the
employer’s number of full-time equivalent employees in excess of
10 and the employer’s average annual wages in excess of
| ___
16 of 25 |
For tax years beginning after December 31, 2012,
a 0.9% Additional Medicare Tax applies to Medicare wages,
self-employment income, and railroad retirement (RRTA)
compensation based on incomes of married filing jointly
taxpayers that exceeds
| ___
17 of 25 |
The Medicaid payments that may be
excluded from income are the payments excludable under Section
131 of the Internal Revenue Code. These are the Medicaid waiver
payments. To be excludable
| ___
18 of 25 |
How are you considered exempt
depends on your exemption eligibility. Being exempt from
acquiring minimum essential health coverage has to do with your
income. Additionally,
| ___
19 of 25 |
Form 1095-A will required of those who
purchased their health insurance from the health insurance
marketplace. Taxpayers will be required to disclose their health
insurance which is purchased through the health insurance
Marketplace. Then there is Form 1095-B which is required
| ___
20 of 25 |
All Medicare wages, railroad retirement (RRTA)
compensation, and self-employment income currently subject to
Medicare Tax are subject to Additional Medicare Tax
| ___
21 of 25 |
These are combined to determine if income exceeds
the Additional Medicare Tax threshold
| ___
22 of 25 |
There are no special rules for nonresident aliens
and U.S. citizens living abroad for purposes of the additional
Medicare tax provision. Medicare wages, railroad retirement (RRTA)
compensation, and self-employment income earned by such
individuals will
| ___
23 of 25 |
An employer is responsible for withholding the
Additional Medicare Tax from wages or railroad retirement (RRTA)
compensation it pays to an employee in excess of $200,000 in a
calendar year
| ___
24 of 25 |
An employer is required to begin withholding
Additional Medicare Tax in the pay period in which it pays wages
or railroad retirement (RRTA) compensation in excess of $200,000
to an employee
| ___
25 of 25 |
To account for their Additional Medicare Tax
liability, some taxpayers may need to
| ___
Please Note: If you filled out the answers directly on this page, please print this page or write down the answers before you proceed to submit them by clicking on "Review Questions" link in step 3 above. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Revised: 10/16/15 |